International Baroque Orchestras

International Baroque Orchestras

Major works by Handel, Purcell, & Monteverdi

Tickets for this series

  • Sterrang €259,20
  • Rang 1 €211,20
  • Rang 2 €182,40
  • Rang 3 €115,20

Tickets for this series

  • Major works from A to Z in the International Baroque Orchestras series this year, featuring Handel, Purcell, and Monteverdi. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of 17th-century Venice with La Cetra Barockorchester, or be transported by Vox Luminis’ award-winning performance of Purcell’s *Fairy Queen*. The cherry on top is Ton Koopman’s anniversary celebration, highlighted by Handel’s *Esther* performed by an ultimate dream cast!