
Hertog Jan Zaal

  • Doors open 19:15
  • Performers Janneke Elisabeth performs Édith Piaf
    Filip Jordens performs Jacques Brel
    Dan Menasche performs as 'Monsieur Aznavour'
    Marc Forno is the artistic director
  • A drink included A drink is included in the ticket price for this concert
Extra concert


A grand tribute to the French chanson

  • Chanson
  • Orkestmuziek
  • Vocaal


  • Sterrang €79,00
  • Rang 1 €69,00
  • Rang 2 €64,00
  • Rang 3 €55,00
Last tickets

‘La vie en rose,’ ‘La bohème,’ and ‘Ne me quitte pas’—who doesn’t know them? These songs by Édith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, and Jacques Brel, along with other world-famous chansons, take center stage tonight in the show Chanson! The grand theater concert, featuring nineteen musicians and specialized vocalists, presents a tribute to this immensely popular genre. Many iconic French songs are highlighted, transporting you to the streets of Paris, filled with ambiance, emotion, and melancholy.

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