Tweede foyer
-- Doors open 10:00
Help! A Surprise! – Pancake Concert
Voor kinderen vanaf 2 jaar
- Ticket €8,00
- Kind €6,00
This concert is entirely spoken in Dutch.
Help! A Surprise! August the fox is in for a surprise from Suus today. What could it be? Suus loves big, busy, exciting things. August prefers calm and safe things… but not surprises, especially not big or exciting ones! Help! What now?
“Help! A Surprise!” is based on the Picture Book of the Year by Miriam Bos (Publisher: Lemniscaat). The performance, specially created for the National Read-Aloud Days 2024, is brought to life by puppeteer Jogchem Jalink (Sesame Street, De Boterhamshow, Patsboemkledder) with beautiful songs and animal puppets that seem to jump right out of the book!
Are your kids crazy about pancakes and love music? Then the pancake concerts at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven are just for them! They take place regularly. Here, the little ones can enjoy a fun children’s concert and a delicious pancake, which they can decorate themselves! The pancakes are served from one hour before the concert starts and are included in the ticket price.

- Doors open 10:00