Hertog Jan Zaal
-Koyaanisqatsi by the Philip Glass Ensemble
A musical film experience
- 80s
- Filmmuziek
- Minimal music
- Multidisciplinair
- Neo-klassiek
- Sterrang €69,00
- Rang 1 €64,00
- Rang 2 €59,00
Koyaanisqatsi, the first film in Godfrey Reggio’s Qatsi trilogy, will be accompanied tonight by the Philip Glass Ensemble, which will perform the soundtrack live. The film, featuring groundbreaking time-lapse photography and slow-motion techniques, depicts the hectic pace of modern life and its impact on nature. Philip Glass, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, composed the minimalist music using synthesizers, deep male voices, and brass instruments. Although Glass himself will not be present, the Ensemble is regarded as the most authentic representation of his music. This concert offers an unforgettable experience of sight and sound.