Danny Vera - Muziekgebouw Eindhoven


MgE is taking big steps in the field of sustainability

To promote and implement sustainability in the organisation, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is a participant in the covenant GreenStages2020. Scoring a 7 in the recent second measurement, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven far exceeded the target of 6.5!

To promote and implement sustainability in the organisation, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is a participant in the covenant GreenStages2020. Scoring a 7 in the recent second measurement, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven far exceeded the target of 6.5!

To promote sustainability and implement it in the organisation, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is a participant in the GreenStages2020 covenant, which has now been signed by some 30 theatres and venues, particularly in South-Central and West Netherlands. The process started with a zero-measurement in 2021. Following that report, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven started working on an action plan, on which immediate progress was made.

In the recent second measurement, considerable progress was again made. From the zero measurement, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven went from a 3.41 (zero measurement) to a 5.32 (first measurement) to a 7.39 (second measurement). The aim of the participating venues was to achieve an average of 6.5 after 3 years, which the Muziekgebouw far exceeded.

The figures show that Muziekgebouw Eindhoven takes sustainability seriously. In recent years, therefore, visible progress has been made on almost all themes. After measuring 16 venues, the Muziekgebouw now ranks 4th, showing the greatest progress to date.

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Besides its own efforts, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven also asks a contribution from its visitors. Visitors are made aware that they can travel to the Muziekgebouw sustainably by train or by using the free bicycle parking, like the station at a walking distance from the Muziekgebouw. Even late at night, after the concerts, trains are still running and the bicycle parking is still open. This way, visitors can help take sustainability to the next level.

Sustainability does not stop at this second measurement. The measurements indicate that progress is being made. It is important to now set out a roadmap for long-term goals, such as a CO2-neutral organisation.