Opening hours
Box Office
The Box Office is best reached via email: [email protected]. If your question concerns a specific order, please clearly mention your name and the email address used to purchase the tickets for a quick resolution.
Phone number: +31 40 244 20 20
Available Monday to Saturday from 1:00 – 5:00 PM.
Counter Opening Hours
The counter is open from Monday to Saturday from 1:00 – 5:00 PM and one hour before a concert. If you haven’t purchased tickets yet, there is enough time to do this upon arrival. Make sure to arrive on time, considering possible crowds at the Box Office.
Concert entrance / City foyer
On concert days we maintain the following opening hours:
- Afternoon concert (12:00 PM): from 11:00 AM
- Afternoon concert (2:15 PM): from 1:15 PM
- Evening concert: from 7:15 PM
- Lunchtime concert: 11:15 AM – 2:30 PM