Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
Inclusief lunch
Marta Klimasara
Hiiit Percussion
Arnols Marinissen
Niti Ranjan Biswas
Yi-Ping Yang
Pape Seck
Gabriel Michaud
Michael Burrit
Marcelo Woloski
Momoko Kamiya
Percussion Pass
Workshops by legendary percussionists
- Slagwerk
- Ticket €229,00
Leer de fijne kneepjes van de echte meesters in deze indrukwekkende serie workshops en masterclasses! Bevestigde masters voor deze editie zijn Marta Klimasara, Arnold Marinissen, Niti Ranjan Biswas, Yi-Ping Yang, Michael Burritt, Marcelo Woloski, Momoko Kamiya, de slagwerklegendes van HIIIT en TROMP 2022-winnaar Gabriel Michaud. Op de website van TROMP vind je alle informatie over de masters en het programma.
Editie 2022
Marta Klimasara
Vrijdag 15 november, 09:30 - 10:30
Marta Klimasara gained international recognition through tours and successes in prestigious competitions, including the ARD Competition and the World Marimba Competition. She has received multiple grants and is praised for her exceptional musical and artistic personality.

Gabriel Michaud
Vrijdag 15 november, 11:00 - 12:00
Gabriel Michaud, winner of the TROMP International Percussion Competition in 2022, has won prizes at the International Marimba Festival Competition and the Swiss Percussion Competition. He received the Marescotti Foundation grant and won first prize at the Pollença International Marimba Competition.

Pape Seck
Vrijdag 15 november, 12:00 - 13:00
Pape Seck hails from a family of griots—musical nomads akin to troubadours. The Senegalese percussionist gained fame in his home country as a member of the renowned band Raam Daan. Seck plays a wide range of percussion instruments, including sowruba, sabar, bougarabou, tama, djembe, calabash, krin, doundoun, sangban, kenkeni, and tabala.

Marcelo Woloski
Vrijdag 15 november, 14:30 - 15:30
Marcelo Woloski is a multiple Grammy and Latin Grammy-winning percussionist, producer, and composer. His wide range of sounds, versatility, masterful skill, charismatic personality, and creativity have made him the go-to person for artists, producers, and arrangers around the world.

Yi-Ping Yang
Vrijdag 15 november, 16:00 - 17:00
Yi-Ping Yang is an award-winning solo percussionist and orchestral timpanist who regularly performs and collaborates with Grame worldwide. She is an associate professor at the Conservatoire de Lyon, a visiting professor at the Shanghai Conservatory, and the artistic director of the RIT-Infinity collective.

Momoko Kamiya
Zaterdag 16 november, 09:30 - 10:30
Momoko Kamiya, a professor at the Tokyo College of Music, is also active as a guest professor, teacher, and marimba player at various locations. She won the International Marimba Competition in 1995, received the Azalea Cultural Prize in 2005, and studied at Juilliard.

Arnold Marinissen
Zaterdag 16 november, 10:30 - 11:30
Arnold Marinissen composes, performs, teaches, and gives masterclasses worldwide. He is a renowned percussionist, and as a composer, he has written works for the Residentie Orchestra, La Biennale di Venezia, Asko|Schönberg, and Slagwerk Den Haag, among others.

Niti Ranjan Biswas
Zaterdag 16 november, 12:00 - 13:00
Niti Ranjan Biswas, based in Amsterdam and a highly sought-after tabla player, has performed with legendary Indian classical musicians and renowned Western ensembles. He teaches at Codarts Rotterdam and the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

Michael Burritt
Zaterdag 16 november, 14:30 - 15:30
Michael Burritt, a leading percussionist and head of the Percussion Department at the Eastman School of Music, performs and teaches worldwide. His solo marimba works are considered standard repertoire for percussionists, and he is the chair of the Percussive Arts Society.

HIIIT Percussion
Zaterdag 16 november, 15:30 - 16:30
HIIIT, formerly known as Slagwerk Den Haag, embraces musical diversity, ranging from traditional percussion to uncharted territory such as porcelain and 3D-printed instruments. In collaboration with contemporary artists, they explore new musical possibilities and promote innovation and experimentation in the music world.

GLOW Eindhoven
Het jaarlijkse lichtkunstfestival GLOW verrijkt de straten van Eindhoven van 9 t/m 16 november met een decor vol licht. Met jaarlijks ruim 750.000 bezoekers tijdens deze week, is het extra druk in de stad. We adviseren je daarom om voldoende tijd in te plannen zodat je op tijd bent voor het concert dat je gaat bezoeken.
Dagelijks worden er vanaf 18:00 tot 23:00 uur gedurende 9 t/m 16 november een aantal wegen afgesloten. Bekijk hier de route van GLOW en de aanbevolen vervoer- en parkeer opties.
Ons advies
We adviseren je, indien mogelijk, niet met de auto naar het concert te komen. Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is op loopafstand van Eindhoven Centraal en treinen rijden ook nog na afloop van het concert. Of kom lekker op de fiets en stal je fiets vlakbij gratis in de fietsenstalling op het 18 Septemberplein. Bekijk alle locaties en openingstijden van de fietsenstallingen hier.
Wil je toch graag met de auto komen? We adviseren je dan de auto te parkeren in een van de Q-Park parkeergarages of op een P+R en je reis te vervolgen met het OV. Bekijk hier de aanbevolen vervoer- en parkeer opties.
Inclusief lunch
Marta Klimasara
Hiiit Percussion
Arnols Marinissen
Niti Ranjan Biswas
Yi-Ping Yang
Pape Seck
Gabriel Michaud
Michael Burrit
Marcelo Woloski
Momoko Kamiya